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Formatting my Life

This was it, my final push to get my second book, Wine Comes in Six-Packs, out on time.

The life of an Indie author is hard, it's not only writing a book alone, but having to go it alone for everything. All the formatting, editing, proofreading, illustrations, cover art... all of that is solely your responsibility.

And then, once you are done with all of that, and your pockets are empty after paying for services that you can't do yourself, then comes the next big hurdle... marketing & advertising, also solely and completely out of your pocket.

Being an Indie author is not for the faint of heart. It's not a quick & easy way to make a few extra bucks. It's hard work and a lifetime commitment to the belief that you have written something worth reading.

But I believe I have written something worth reading...

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