Can I Quote You?
Contributions to Newspapers & Online Magazine Articles

We treat boys — and girls — differently before they even express their personalities...
When it comes to friendships, you may be closer to some people than others, which is perfectly fine. While some friends may be more in the “casual acquaintance” category, others may be within your inner circle. Of course, there are several traits of good friends, and your closest ones probably have many of them...

If you are looking for an exciting new, boundary-pushing, book for your book club, or simply want to sit down and indulge in some forbidden intellectual content, then you’ve come to the right place...

Homeowners looking to cut their overall mortgage debt can get the job done by doubling the number of payments they make to their mortgage company every year...
R. Kelly's Sex Cult is Domestic Violence
Why some victims believe they love their abusers
by domesticshelters.org
In July of 2017, a story broke that seemed almost too absurd to be true—famed ‘90s rapper Robert “R.” Kelly had been holding young women hostage in a sex cult...

With a billionaire for president and major tax reform underway, Americans are divided about whether the wealthy bear their “fair share” of the tax burden. Are soak-the-rich taxes necessary to keep the nation afloat?

Gimme that ring back!
by Catey Hill for Moneyish
These are the rules — and realities — of what happens to the engagement and wedding rings post-divorce

Debt-laden Americans are eyeing your pocketbook
by Catey Hill for Moneyish
Nearly one in three people (32%) said they would be more willing to date someone if that person was financially able to help them pay off their debt, according to a survey of 1,000 American adults commissioned by LendEDU and conducted by polling organization Pollfish. That may be why nearly 20% consider annual income a critical factor in deciding who to date...
5 Divorcées Reveal the Red Flags That Their Marriage Was Doomed
by Jenn Sinrich for Reader's Digest
Sometimes it's easy to tell whether or not a marriage can make it long-term, it's just that we choose to ignore the signs that are often right in front of us...

12 Steps to Protect Your Finances When Leaving an Abusive Relationship
by Diana Sitar staff writer for The Penny Hoarder
Lisa Orban was married to her abuser for three years. In 1990, she left after he threatened to kill her and their two young children.
She was 20 years old.
Her financial situation in the marriage? “Bad, in a nutshell,” she recalls.
Not unusual for the time, her husband was the main breadwinner, and he managed the finances.
“Whenever there was a chance that I might make enough money or make more money than him or do anything to upset his financia...
10 Tips to Build Your New-Parent Confidence
Get expert tips to help you rock this parenthood thing.
BY JUDY KOUTSKY Fit Pregnancy and Baby
If only new babies came with an instruction manual. Instead, every new parent learns through trial and error—which often makes you feel like you're doing everything wrong. Add in a little media-induced paranoia...

We Asked Parents: What's the Funniest Thing Your Kid Has Ever Said?
by Laura Richards Family Education Magazine
Kids say a lot of weird and funny things, and moms know that better than anyone. Read some of the best!
What the research says on parenting after divorce
By Lois M. Collins @loisco Desert News IN DEPTH
Divorce is hard on kids, but there are ways to make it less so. If parents can set aside differences and let what's best for the kids guide the process, everyone benefits, experts say.

Crazy And Weird Disclosures From Home Sellers
January 17, 2017
Lee Nelson MyMortgageInsider.com Contributor
According to the National Association of REALTORS®, most disclosures are handled by individual states. But federal laws apply to some issues, and homes built before 1978 need to be disclosed.
But some buyers have found that disclosures can be a little hard to understand. Here are some examples of the strange and odd disclaimers homeowners have revealed:

The following is part of the What’s Your Story series where people share experiences of personal development, overcoming obstacles and healing.

Lisa Orban had never planned to write a story about her life. The Quincy woman loves to tell a story though and she eventually was prodded by friends and family to put her stories on paper...