Entertaining look into the author's life, a collection of stories that had me laughing, cringing and shaking my head. Fun read...
- Dr. Res Ipsa Loquitur
While Orban claims that there is no wisdom to learn from in this story, but I find her ability to survive through all of the crazy events in her life is a form of wisdom, something that you can look at and still learn from. Her writing is liberating - Renee Spicuzza
This is not a book that is tidy to review: this is a book to experience, especially if the reader has no personal connection with the roughshod traipse through childhood and young adulthood Lisa has endured – and now manages to make us laugh with her (as well as try to overcome the desire to just give her a huge hug).
- Grady Harp Vine Voice & Top 50 Amazon Reviewer
An excellent, powerful read. Lisa's writing is truly alive. Reading this book is like spending time looking through a scrapbook or photo album, and it is its episodic approach is exactly the proper way to share this story. At turns disturbing and hilarious, the book's larger message is this: It's possible to courageously face the darkness in life, and not just find the light, but create it.
- Tracy Knight author of The Astonished Eye
The author refers to this book as a roller coaster of emotion, and she couldn't be more accurate. This book made me laugh, cry, and feel disappointed, sad, angry, happy....a whole range of emotions!
- Teresa Kandar author of Heartbreak & Happiness
I laughed, I cried and most of all, I FELT. Sorrow, joy and amusement in equal measure. I also felt the echo in my own life of some of Lisa's stories, especially her teenage and young adulthood escapades. I think every reader will feel the same connection to some parts of Lisa's life. Reading like a series of short stories with a lifetime arc, this is a book that was hard to put down and one I highly recommend...
-Sandy Toes Top 1000 Amazon Reviewer
...this is a must-read story that should be compulsory to all foster-dare homes and the entire educational system. There is a wealth of education between the covers of It’ll Feel Better When It Quits Hurting.
- Travis C Top 500 Amazon Reviewer
While parts of the book are certainly dark and troubling, it’s never depressing. “It’ll Feel Better when it Quits Hurting” is oddly a feel-good, quirky, hilarious memoir about friendship and the triumph of the human spirit. Well written and very well done!
- Cristel Orrand author of “Khayal” and “TheAmalgamist”
I recommend this to everyone who’s looking for a long, hilarious, inspiring, heart breaking, intense, and gripping read. I assure you, it will be a wonderful ride.
- Karina @ Afire Pageson book blogger
This is the best book that I have read it a long time. The subject matter is sometimes hilarious, sometimes tragic and always thought invoking. The narrative has a relentless pace which makes it more compelling than I could have dared to imagine. It swings between a homely, familiar tone and a breath-taking roller coaster of a read in which you cannot do anything other than wonder at the depth of character that the writer must possess in order to have come through the adventures and ordeals that she describes with such magnetic skill. I can't praise this book enough and urge you to indulge.
- author, R.J. Hutton
Orban is upfront that the reader shouldn’t dive into her world expecting resolution and recovery by the end of the book, and while this might be refreshing for cynics like myself, it's also a fresh way for the optimist reader to discover beauty and inspiration from the unconventional...
- M. Harris
Wow, this is a powerful book! This book held me at so many different emotions, it was fantastic writing that comes from her heart and soul. This is a raw glimpse of what a person can deal with in their life. This is a highly recommended read!
What a roller coaster!
- Sierra Klein
It’ll feel better when it quits hurting is a poignant book because it al feels real to me. There was no fictional or fantastical element to her writing, it was pure, raw emotions and some laugh out loud moments (because that was always better than the alternative).
- A.J. Armstrong
Reading this book is like sitting down over a beer with a friend. Lisa Orban's tale is told with humor and candor. The fact that she survived with her sanity and sense of humor is a testament to the strength of this woman. The fact that she has chosen to share the good , the bad and the ugly of her life growing up speaks volumes about her courage. This book is inspirational yet a joy to read. The fact that Lisa has not turned into a bitter shrew speaks to her strength of character. I can not recommend this novel highly enough. You will enjoy this.
- Jim Cottage
It is inspirational how much one person can go through in their life. At times I felt very angry for Lisa, sometimes I laughed with (and at) the stories and a big chunk I just felt sad for the things Lisa has had to go through. However, if this book teaches nothing else, it is that no matter what someone does to you, forgiveness can still be given (and this is no means a “sad” book, it could be, but Lisa hasn't allowed this to happen).
- Nikki xoxo Book Blogger
It’ll Feel Better When It Quits Hurting is undoubtedly in the running towards becoming one of my favorite books of 2017. This book tells us the author’s life story. It is a story of resilience, of resurrection, of rising from one’s own ashes, as well as a story of survival. But most significantly, it is a fun, addictive narrative. This is Lisa Orban’s unique talent: she talks about her most miserable, heart-breaking memories, and still manages to put a smile on your face. From the very first chapters I felt connected to Lisa as a “character”, I cared for her and felt the incessant need to find out what happened next to her, always wishing life gave her a break, but secretly knowing it would not be the case. Throughout the whole thing, I laughed, I cringed, and even felt a lump in my throat. I can only think of thanking Lisa for putting this together. I found myself constantly checking how far I was into the book, as I did not want it to end. Now I cannot wait to get my hands on her next one.
- MarisaAscota Fell in Love with a Book Blog
This isn't a story. It is the author's life. It is probably many people's lives. Parts of it were my life. The author has learned to use humor as much as she can and acceptance mixed with forgiveness for things that she can't change. It is not a hard book to read but, at the same time, it isn't easy. Throughout though you will be cheering Lisa on. She is a very likable person, (in the book. I don't know her personally.). She writes honestly, even if she doesn't look the best in every situation. I would recommend this book though I would suggest you make a few days for it. It is in my opinion a book you will read, reflect, read, reflect with. Some parts may be hard, depending on your own experiences with life. In the end though, it is worth it. Grab some coffee and settle in. I'm looking forward to her next book.
- F. Christina Alaskan Book Cafe