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If any of you have a question or a subject that you'd like to hear me discuss on one of my blogs, contact me. I'd love to hear from you!

Trust Me, I'm an Author | Episode 5
Trust me, I’m an Author | Episode 5: Expanding my publication options Now that you’ve written & published a book, the next big question...

Trust Me, I'm an Author | Episode 4
Trust me, I’m an Author | Episode 4: Do I KDP Select or not? Over the next few several weeks I’ll be talking about everything authors...

Trust Me, I'm an Author | Episode 3
Episode 3: A Good Book Cover Over the next few several weeks I’ll be talking about everything authors should know about the writing...

Trust Me, I'm an Author | Episode 2
Episode 2: The importance of Editing Over the next few several weeks I’ll be talking about everything authors should know about the...

Trust Me, I'm an Author | Episode 1
Episode 1: How to Publish a Book Over the next few several weeks I’ll be talking about everything authors should know about the writing...

Trust me, I'm an Author
Over the next few several weeks I’ll be talking about everything authors should know about the writing world, from editing to book...

Calling all Indies
Looking for a house for your books? Indies United Publishing could be the home you're looking for. Our official launch is in September,...

The Next Big Step
I’m taking a big step in expanding my horizons in the publishing world and I hope you will join me. If you'd like to learn more about me,...

Thank you Canada
Thank you Canada, the O-Pipon-Na-Piwin of the Cree Nation, and everyone else we met on our trip through your country. If you'd like to...

Northern Adventure
I’ve just returned from my Northern adventures with the O-Pipon-Na-Piwin of the Cree Nation, and now I’m sharing a bit of it with you. If...
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